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New people have taken this over and I am sorry to say it, but they leave a lot to be desired. Previous owners were lovely, but I recently took my son's suit in to be cleaned and the woman behind the counter had no change for my £20 in the till. I said I could pay when I collected it, but she said, 'wait a minute' and found the needed change in her purse. It was only the next day I collected it and she demanded that I pay for the suit again. I reminded her that I was going to pay when I collected it, but that she had found the change needed in her purse, so I in fact did pay for it when I left it. She actually said she remembered the incident, but that I had not paid. Agreed, my ticket did not say 'paid' but this was due to her changing her mind and finding the change in her own purse at the last minute. She cannot be that forgetful, but she made me pay again for the suit before I could take it. I will not be using them again ( after using them for years) so beware, these new people leave a lot to be desired.

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