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I have (used to be) a loyal customer of Noor Dry Cleaners at Sudbury Hill. Bottom Line: DO NOT GO THERE! They Treat Customers like a NUISANCE If only the Owner/Director knew how the Front of House conduct themselves Why? They have a flawed system when collecting garments and accounting for them with poor handwriting on tickets They rush customers and discourage when customers want to count garnets They treat customers poor when there is a dispute: Shout, hang up phones and treat customers like a nuisance: Arrogance CUSTOMERS ARE NOT A NUISANCE, THEY ARE YOUR SOURCE OF INCOME In general the item I was concerned with was how they counted garments and noted on the ticket: Bad handwriting and not clear with what the items were and general rushing and discouraging customers when counting garments. Compounded when they actively rush to collect and return items and make the customer uncomfortable when they want to count there garments when handing over or collecting. Then came the day when a shirt was lost in 2011: When someone else collected garments on my behalf to be told “Don't worry it is all there” - 1 shirt missing. No joy when I called back: what the ticket number? I don’t have it as they take it on collection! Okay I gave a second chance (now regret I did): Everyone makes mistakes (although their arrogance lead them to blame the customer) Now again in Spring 2014: Someone else collected my garments and was rushed out. I called them: and they got extremely defensive, I made extra effort to be polite and diplomatic: I got shouted at and they hung up the phone TWICE. CUSTOMERS ARE NOT A NUISANCE, THEY ARE YOUR SOURCE OF INCOME

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